
Friday 25 March 2016

How To Create The Most Perfect Outfit?

We all wear outfits.. but how do we create ''THE'' outfit ?? 

Well I have the way. And here is the most simple way in 3 steps only,on how to make the perfect outfit.. <3

STEP 1 (Colorcode) :

Okay, so basically, make sure your colors match. And as for your hair, also make sure that if there is a headband, hair tie, earring, etc.... They have to be the same color as your outfit, or at least the color that is most shown in the outfit.

STEP 2 (What You Are Wearing) :

ALWAYS wear rare things.. This is for your sake.. You don't want people to judge you. If you don't have any rares, make sure you wear riches. And if you don't have riches; just wear the best torso/bottom/shoes/hair that  you have

STEP 3 (Do I look good) :

Before you click the ''Wear Outfit'' Button. Look at yourself. And for your safety you need to do that because you don't want people to hurt your feelings.

''I think I look good''

And there you go; How to create the perfect outfit. C:

~ Elsa

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