
Thursday, 24 March 2016

Tips On Being A Blogger

Hello woozens, 
It's 2:25 am and I am still awake! (I apologize if my writing isn't as good. I'm tired) 

Since some people were inspired by our blog, i decided to give a few hints and tips for the beginners: 

- You will ALWAYS start slow.
 No matter how experienced you are, you will always start as a noob. No one is going to look at your blog the first day you start! 

- Don't give up midway 
 I see many GREAT blogs out there that stopped posting from like December 2015 and they still have the Christmas theme with a post that says "10 days left until christmas! so excited!" 

- Be yourself 
 Pretend you are talking to your readers, don't act like a news reporter. Just deliver news in a boring way. Be fun! Be honest with your readers. 

- Punctuation and grammar are important
 You know what turns on my OCD? Grammar and punctuation mistakes. It freaks me out how unorganized the paragraph. 

 Most important tip to keep in mind. NEVER EVER EVER post about something that happened weeks ago. Everyone knows about it now and if they do, its a small group of people. 

- Use bold, Italics, Underlines
 Always "bold" important words or titles. Use Italics for books, magazines, song, etc. Underline important texts. These are all very important to consider. 

- Have someone as a back up 
 Most of us probably have a week where you are jamming everything together, dinners, events, plans, practice, etc. Sometimes we would be very exhausted or not in the "bloggy mood" to post anything. Have a trusted friend to post about different things. If you like to stay solo, apologize to your readers. 

- Think before you talk 
 Don't say something that will offend someone. It will only make you and your blog less likable and never take sides. Taking sides will make you seem like you hate on people for money. (Yes, you can earn money by blogging) 

- Have a fun and a live blog color 
 As you can see from our blog, our blog color is purple. If you are more into dark colors, go for it! What is to lose? 

- Always keep your blog on a specific topic 
 Don't post something about celebrities and then post something about some quest on woozworld. 

That's what I have for now, woozens! I will update this whenever I find good tips. 

~ Luck

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