
Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Too Much Cyber Bullying?!

A few hours ago I was just scrolling down MaxWooz's wall, and I see this:

As you might have noticed now,this girl has been bullied, and she has gone on every woozbands page telling them to ban, report and murder her. Isn't this too much? 

I got curious, what might this evil bully look like? So I went and typed in the name like the bullied girl had mentioned.I searched and i was shocked by the results.. and obviously..


I don't know why but because of the looks of her she's obviously a bully.

Bullying has populated even more ever since woozworld allowed access to more and more words. They have also allowed access to numbers; now, woozens can say most swear words in numbers.. for example; 0u4ck u

Yup, they can say those kinds of things now simply by replacing some letters with numbers.

It's good that they've allowed access to more words but... people use it in a horrible way.

Make sure you actually do talk back in a stronger way to bullies.. simply by smiling; c;. It will burn them inside that you're not annoyed or depressed. and you will definitely overpower them.

Some woozens had enough of cyber bullying and they often complain to animators about it, but animators don't have time for everyone's problems so they will just say "Use the report tool" as it can help solve the problem. 

What do you think? Do you think that bullied girl should go with what she's talking about? I don't think so.

~ Elsa

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