
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Let's Discuss Something

Hello woozens, 
I've been SUPER busy and so is the crew. We are ENCOURAGING you guys to join our team. Just go to "Join The Team" Tab and fill out everything. We will email you and message you on woozworld to confirm you as a blog member. The team has been under stress lately, we are TRYING to keep the blog going. Nothing has been happening in woozworld but own lame events of animators talking about how they will change woozworld into a better game and yet they haven't posted anything about why Zeena is here! We are looking all over the place for inspirations but it seems like most blogs quit blogging. Woozworld became more boring and new games are being developed but so what? We don't have any new things daily. Nothing like a game or a quest came out yet, the same things, none changed. We will post ASAP if there is anything new. 

~ The Crew 

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