
Saturday 7 May 2016

Dear Talkies #5

Dear Talkies, 
I've been seeing too much unnecessary drama. The old Mya wouldn't call Jay "basic" or "out of style" but since Woozworld is taken over by a new CEO, I think they are trying to keep woozens entertained by what-I-call "bullying". 

Question: Why does it seem like bullying is encouraged by the Woozband?
Answer: As you know by now, Woozworld hasn't been the same since October 2013. It became more boring and very hard to be equal with others who consider themselves rich. After the new CEO realised that woozens barely get on and some say that it's boring, she decided that she should start drama to attract woozens and make them entertained. But what she doesn't know is that woozens are encouraged by bullying to bully others. 

Some people say, "If Mya does it, then I can do it too". Even though if it's a bad thing, woozens are just little kids who imitate adults. 

Seeing all of this makes me sick and if I was in situation, I'd probably do something better like: 

New Woozband Member? 
Zeena Left Evidence of Terror!?!?
Eva is Still Here! 
Max and Jenny Are Back Together??
Goblins Taking Over Woozworld! 

I think these are some of the things I would do if I was the CEO. I wouldn't be making two Woozband members fight...I would acknowledge that there are kids who will do what we do.


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