
Monday 13 June 2016

Opinion #1

Hey woozens,
 I know that today isn't Thursday but i couldn't wait to do my first opinion for you guys. Lately i have been going around Woozworld and people keeps pcing about the clothes i wear saying stuff like," You stole my color code." and " Who gave you that shirt because that my color code." I feel that you guys need to understand that others also have the same color code as you, and you may not the only one with it. Sometimes, they may not even be the same color codes but look close to each other. Anyway there are like a billion other people on Woozworld, so if you could please stop thinking your going to be the only one with that type of color code. To the people that are being told that you stole someone else color code don't make them stop you in who you are, wear the colors you want to wear. That all from me now. Remember to be yourself everyone and don't let anyone tell you who you have to be. :) 
- Rocky

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