
Wednesday 23 March 2016

An Eggciting Event!

Yes Woozens, another post about Easter. Honestly, Easter is pretty amazing. Don't you just enjoy the warm colors of nature when its easter? I do. Getting to wear pretty colorful dresses is awesome, if you ask me. Oh and don't forget the egg hunts. Ah yes, the egg hunts. Egg hunts are just absolutely fun. Especially after the hunt where you get to eat the chocolatey goodness.(Hands down, I'm a chocoholic!) Admit it, its probably one of the most amazing holidays you'll have once a year.
(Maybe except Halloween, or Chri- MOVING ON!) Anyways, Woozworld is giving each woozen an egg and a basket to celebrate Easter. All you gotta do is place that basket in your unitz, find a friend with the corresponding color and BAM! You get a gift. (I honestly don't know what that gift is but haha...) Easter is fun trust me. You just gotta join in. Have a fantastic Easter everyone! :D

[Credits to luckana for her amazing photo editing skills on the pic]
~Riana16 (Erin)

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