
Friday 22 July 2016

Top 5 Dumbest Woozworld Theories

I consider myself a gossiper and theorist. However when I make theories, I make sure there is enough evidence and that it's convincing...and that it's not completely lame. Wish I could say the same about these Woozworld theories but these are the dumbest ones yet.

5. Jenny broke up with Max because he likes cactus (2014)
Jenny isn't stupid. This was a real stretch from what happened. Max didn't attend Jenny's birthday party because he was falling out of love with her and when people were wondering where he was, he was tending his cacti farm. Max was not a cacti freak, that's just what he happened to be doing that day. He may not have wanted to dump her on her birthday so he just didn't attend. But it definitely broke her heart. I refuse to pair Max with anyone else. I refuse!

4. ZeenaWooz is bringing back the Old Woozworld (2012)
This theory was amidst the controversy in 2012 that Woozworld was being too unfair to non-VIPs. For anyone who doesn't like the regular VIP rules, the ones we have now are pretty tame compared to this. Non-VIPs were unable to change their clothing colours, they couldn't use any emos besides the Big Grin and the Sad, and they were unable to comment on the 4 Animators' Wallz. However because Zeena is not a main animator, her wallz accepted all posts. Because of this, some rioters thought Zeena "cared about the non-VIPs and would help bring old woozworld" when really, Zeena was evil and wasn't around in old Woozworld. It is believed the theory was made out of rage and while I agree with the protesters, I find the theory a little absurd. Now the animators lock their wallz for friends only and Zeena is taking a break from Woozworld. What are those theorists going to say now?

3. Justin Bieber has a Woozworld account (circa 2011)
After deadmau5's debut to Woozworld, people were wondering if other stars would ever go on Woozworld. So some trolls made a Justin Bieber account and tricked a bunch of Beliebers into thinking he was real. What sucks about people is that there are many fake Bieber accounts and some people are still gullible enough to believe them! It's still going but luckily it's getting lesser in frequency.

2. Zeena's sleeping in the coffin (2015)
This was a dumb theory from February 2015 during Once Upon a Time when Jenny was found in a coffin sleeping. Rumours spread that it was Zeena sleeping in the coffin wearing a Jenny costume and doing this to trick Max or Zack into kissing her. This is so fake, why would Zeena go through all that sleeping trouble when she could just go up to them and kiss them? If it didn't sound odd enough, this theory was proven wrong when Zack dumped Zeena and she replied "yeah whatever". If Zeena was asleep, she wouldn't be able to post on her wallz. Turns out neither Max nor Zack kissed Jenny to wake her up. But this lame theory was still (sadly) believed by many.

1. JaneNewbie is actually a hacker (2015)
I'm not going to lie, I created this. As in, made it up as a trolling tactic to see who would believe it. Real theories aren't "made up", they are discovered. But for fun I made this up. People were mostly skeptical, but there was the occasional "REPORT JANE REPORT JANE REPORT JANE" spam on her wallz. I'm sorry Jane, you're still a wonderful person who did not deserve this. ;')

So there you have it; my top 5 dumbest theories. This is a little different from what I usually post, but Luck has already covered today's gossip. I really like making Top 5 lists and hopefully I can have a "Top 5 List day" on this blog or whatnot. Have a great Friday woozens and thanks for reading!

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